What is ASR®?

Kuntze's patented ASR® technology effectively removes pollutants from sensor surface. Learn more about the technology below.


Automatic Sensor Cleaning, or ASR®, is Kuntze's patented sensor cleaning technology. The goal of the ASR® cleaning is to reduce the amount of maintenance associated with manually cleaning the probe.

The cleaning is carried out electrochemically by the electrolysis of water: H2O >> O2 and H2

The electrochemical cleaning is multi-layered:

  • Water splits into hydrogen and oxygen gas, blasting away persistent coatings.
  • Oxygen oxidizes organic compounds.
  • Hydrogen reduces rust and manganese oxide and likewise destroys organic

The produced gas volumes are small and quickly recombine automatically to H2O.

The ASR® has proven to be efficient against organic and inorganic coatings. 


Helpful articles: Setting Krypton® Multi ASR® Cleaning Frequency & Setting Krypton® DIS ASR® Cleaning Frequency